President Barack Obama

January 5, 2016

President Barack Obama

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

Your announcement today regarding an executive order addressing background checks for gun purchases is welcomed and very creditable.  Still, a continuance to uphold the fight against excessive gun exploits may be able to make use of common sense preemptive measures toward reducing murder by mail order.

Unlike the United States Act to amend title 18, to provide traffic in firearms enacted by the 90th U.S. Congress on October 22, 1968, this newly enacted executive order does not appear to address the ordering and receiving by common or contract carrier the transporting and/or delivering of ammunition.

Our American citizenry is far too vulnerable from the overt ability to stock pile ammunition.  Particularly, there is an unchecked ease to access buying bullets in abundance, whereas ammunition kills and the actual gun is only harmful when properly loaded with bullets. 

There are many companies operating web sites on the Internet that sell and ship bulk ammo delivered by common carriers to the registered consumer’s front door.  This issue of unfettered access to ammo is exacerbated with the increase in porch pirates taking mailed packages from American homes. 

Pricing on bulk ammunition is relatively cheap and most orders are shipped free when more than $99 is spent.  All law-abiding citizens with respect to the acquisition of ammunition will have no problem with buying their bullets in person, in the same manner that they purchase a gun.

Reducing mail order purchases of ammunition will not stop mass shootings, but it will surely limit the number of casualties and perhaps even prevent that one event due to the fear of buying an abundant of bullets in person.  Noticeably in the San Bernardino CA mass murders the perpetrators were presumably reluctant to acquire in person the guns used in the act of the crime.  Nonetheless, the same two people who planned those pure evil killings had no reservation in stock piling ammunition, presumed via U.S. mail orders.

I believe that you are fulfilling a great Presidency and remain encouraged that you will continue to serve in expanding laws that already exist.  You have assembled a super team fully capable of nudging law makers along in taking a closer look at how by limiting mail-order ammo purchases will constructively disrupt the anarchy of domestic gun use.

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